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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Allah is the Absolute Truth

Allah is the Absolute Truth

ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الْحَقُّ

Dalika bi enna llaha huwe lhaqqu:

"That is because Allah, He is the Truth."

(The Qur'an 22.62)

"Allah is the Absolute Truth," Chaitanya Mahaprabhu continued.

(Chaitanya-chritamrita, Madhya-lila, 18.191)

Here Mahaprabhu establishes Allah as the Absolute Truth. The Absolute Truth is eternal, complete and perfect. It is unchangeable in contrast to the relative truths of this material world. We cannot understand reality by studying the relative truths of this illusory world. To understand reality we must study the Absolute Truth. The scriptures reveal to us the Absolute nature of Allah. One must carefully study the scriptures in order to realize the true nature of Allah. It is quite difficult to obtain such realization on one's own. Discovery of the hidden treasures of Al-Qur'an is made possible only through approaching realized souls and listening to them with rapt attention. Such association with realized souls can certainly take one closer to the Absolute Truth Who is Allah - our sole Supreme Lord.

So in the Holy Qur'an we can find the following ayats:

Wallahu Ghaniyun Halim: "Allah is the Absolute, the Clement." (2.263)

Wa 'innallaha la-huwal Ganiyul Hamid: "Verily Allah, - He is the Absolute, the Owner of praise." (22.64)

Dalika bi enna llaha huwe lhaqqi / wa enna ma tad'una min dunihi huwe lbatilu / wa enna llaha huwe l'aliyyu lkabir: "That is because Allah - He is the Truth; those invoked besides Him are false. Indeed Allah is the High, the Great." (22.62)

The emphatic construction of this verse calls attention to the fact that Allah is the only real Truth. All else is like shadows that pass away. This world is a mere shadow or perverted reflection of the real spiritual world. Our eternal love for God is pervertedly reflected here as "love," which in fact is low craving for temporary material objects. By wrongly considering the perverted material love the all in all we have forgotten the real spiritual love and believe in the reality of this illusory world. The only solution to our problems and sufferings is reestablishment of our forgotten relationships with the true Reality - the Absolute Truth.

Furthermore it is stated in the sura "Ta-Ha":

Fata-'aalallaahul Malikul Haqq! Wa laa ta'-jal bil-qur'aani min-qabli 'anyyuqzaaa 'ilayka wahyuh / wa qur-Rabbi zidnii 'ilmaa: "High above all is Allah, the King, the Truth! Be not in haste with Qur'an before its revelation to you is completed, but say, 'O my Lord! Increase me in knowledge.'" (20.114)

Ustad Abdullah Yusuf Ali comments:

"Allah is above every human event or desire. He purpose is universal. But He is the Truth, the absolute Truth; and His kingdom is the true kingdom, that can carry out its will. That Truth unfolds itself gradually, as it did in the gradual revelation of the Qur'an to the Holy Prophet. But even after it was completed in a volume, its true meaning and purpose only gradually unfold themselves to any given individual or nation. No one should be impatient about it. On the contrary, we should always pray for increase in our own knowledge, which can never at any given moment be complete." (9, p. 907)

Thus one must with patience and determination seek the true meaning of the Holy Qur'an. One must always consider himself foolish and unqualified before Allah. One must understand that his senses are imperfect and that his ability to comprehend is limited. Only by the mercy of the Supreme Lord can one appreciate His attributes. The hidden treasure of Al-Qur'an is revealed only to those who are completely devoted and surrendered to Allah.

Further the Holy Qur'an says in the sura "An-Nur", or "Light":

Yawma - 'iziny - yuwafihi-mullahu dinahumul - haqqa / wa ya'-lamuna 'anallaha huwal Haqul Mubin: "On that day Allah will pay them back their just dues, and they will realize that Allah is the Manifest Truth." (24.25)

Thus Allah is the very essence of Truth and Reality. He is the Absolute Truth, of which all relative truths are mere reflections. Here it is explained that Allah is not an abstract power but Haqul Mubin, or Manifest Truth. All truths, or knowledge manifested from Allah. Perfect knowledge, which is revealed in the scriptures obviates the need to invent any kind of knowledge. One must carefully study all the scriptures recognized by the world to understand the true nature of Allah.

Next in the sura "Al-Hajj", or "The Pilgrimage" of the Holy Qur'an it is stated:

Zalika bi-anallaha huwal Haqqu wa 'anahu yuhyil-mawta wa 'anahu 'ala kulli shay-'in Qadir: "This is so, because Allah is the Truth. It is He Who gives life to the dead. He is able to do all things." (22.6)

All the magnificent and well-defined pageantry of life and Nature emphasize the Truth, or Reality behind them viz., Allah. They will perish, but He is eternal. All relative truths of this illusory world will perish in due course of time; only the Absolute Truth will continue to exist eternally. Therefore, to understand the nature of this temporary world, we must realize the true nature of Allah.

Furthermore, the sura "Luqman" of the Holy Qur'an states:

Zalika bi-'anallaha huwal Haqqu wa 'anna ma yad-'una min-dunihil-batilu wa 'anallaha huwal 'Aliyul Kabir: "That is because Allah is the Truth and whatever else they invoke beside Him is Falsehood, and because Allah is the Sublime, the Most Great." (31.30)

All the wonderful phenomena that we witness in creation point to One True God. He is the only Eternal Reality, the Absolute Truth. Any attempt to portray any other gods as superior or equal to Him is Falsehood, for He is higher and greater than anything we can imagine. The Absolute Truth is beyond imagination and perception of the mundane senses. Only by the causeless mercy of the Lord can one realize Him. Allah reveals Himself to a sincere seeker only to the extent that he deserves it.

Next in the sura "An-Nisa", or "The Women" of the Holy Qur'an it is stated:

Wa man 'asdaqu minallahi hadisa: "And who is more true in statement than Allah?" (4.87)

Each of Allah's statement is an eternal truth, because it has been pronounced by the Absolute Truth Himself. One should understand every statement of Allah as it is, without adulteration or concoction. Allah has blessed us with clear instructions in His books of knowledge, that we may understand His supreme nature without deviation.

Furthermore, it is said in the sura "Luqman":

Inna wa dallahi haqun - fala: "Verily, the promise of Allah is the very truth." (31.33)

Al-Haqq, or the Absolute Truth means that one plus one is equal to one, and that one minus one is also equal to one. Nothing can be added and nothing can be subtracted from the Absolute Truth. This is the case in the Absolute World. The Absolute Truth is the Complete Whole. The Complete Whole must have everything within our experience and beyond our experience, otherwise it can not be complete. This means that the Complete Whole has individuality, form, senses, etc. The Complete Whole is not formless. If He were formless, then He could not be the Complete Whole. Therefore, the Absolute Truth is, in the ultimate issue, a person. The Absolute Truth is realized in three phases of understanding, namely the impersonal all-pervasive Spirit; the localized aspect of the Supreme within all living entities; and the Supreme Person. Allah is the Supreme Truth of all other categorical truths.


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