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Monday, August 3, 2009

Allah is the shelter

قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ
Qul a'udhu bi - rabbin nasi:
"Say: I seek shelter in the Lord of mankind."
(The Qur'an 114.1)

"He is the original shelter of all gross and subtle cosmic manifestations," said Shree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
(Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, 18.192)
As Mahaprabhu states, Allah is the shelter of everything. None but He is the real shelter of everyone. Having forgotten Allah, we now seek the shelter of our family, relatives, friends, community, nation or country, none of whom are capable of sheltering us. Who can save us from the inevitable grip of death? When it arrives, no one can dodge it. Only Allah can extricate us from all material suffering, including death by providing us His shelter.
Shelter signifies the constant protection and sustenance that Allah provides to this material world and its residents. Within the material world, there are gross manifestations, which are visible to the mortal's eye of flesh and subtle manifestations which are normally invisible. For example, the Qur'an refers to Jinns and Angels who are subtle and normally invisible creatures.
It is mentioned in the sura "Al-Falaq", or "The Daybreak" of the Holy Qur'an:
Qul a'udhu bi - rabbil falaqi: "Say: I seek shelter in the Lord of the Daybreak." (113.1)
Ustad Abdullah Yusuf Ali comments:
"In Allah's created world, there are all kinds of forces and counter-forces, especially those put in motion by beings who have been endowed with some sort of will. The forces of good may compared to light, and those of evil to darkness. Allah can cleave the depths of darkness and produce light, and therefore we should cast off fear and take refuge in divine guidance and goodness." (9, p. 2030)
Next, it is said in the sura "An-Nas", or "Mankind":
Qul a'udhu bi - rabbin nasi
Malikin nasi
Illahin nasi:
"Say: I seek shelter in the Lord of mankind,
The King of mankind,
The God of mankind." (114.1- 3)
The previous verse (113.1) brings to our attention the necessity of seeking Allah's protection against external factors which might affect an individual. Here mankind is being viewed as a whole and the need for protection from internal factors is pointed out. For this reason, the threefold relationship which man has with Allah is mentioned:
1) Allah is Rabb which means Lord, Maker, or Cherisher. Allah sustains one and cares for him. He provides one with all the means for his growth and development, and for his protection against evil;
2) Allah is Malik which means King, or Ruler. Allah has the prerogative to guide man's conduct, and lead him to well-being. He has made laws, which man must abide by.
3) Allah is Ilahi which means God, or Judge. To Him mankind must return. Allah judges man according to his deeds in this life and determines his next destination. He is the goal of life, and the only Being Whom man must always worship.
Thus man could and should seek Allah's protection against evil.
Furthermore, it is stated in the sura "Al-Muminun", or "The Believers":
Rabbi a'udhu bika min hamazati ash - shayatini
Wa a'udhu bika rabbi 'an yahduruni:
"O my Lord! I seek shelter in You from the incitement of satanic ones,
And I seek shelter in You, O my Lord, lest they should approach me." (23.97-98)
Thus no one can side-step evil and demoniac influences without Allah's aid and protection. One must not only be impervious to all promptings of evil, but one must shun its proximity. In retaliation on evil, or even in curiosity to discover what evil is, one is very likely to be victimized by it. One should avoid going near it or anything which brings it near him. In order to succeed in doing so, one must take complete shelter of the Supreme Lord.
Also it states in the Holy Qur'an:
Wa 'imma yanzaganaka minash-shaytani nazgun-fasta-'iz billah / innahu Sami un 'Alim: "If a suggestion from the devil wound you, seek shelter in Allah. For He is the Hearer, the Knower." (7.200)
Wa 'imma yanzaganaka minash shaytani nazgun-fasta-'iz billah / Innahu huwa Sami 'ul 'Alim: "If a whisper from the devil reach you, seek shelter in Allah. He is the One Who hears and knows all things." (41.36)
The sura 113 "Al-Falaq", "The Daybreak", derives its name from a word in the first verse. It is a prayer to Allah for protection from evils especially supernatural ones proceeding from the unknown. The Prophet is asked to pray and to seek shelter in Allah, the Lord of the Daybreak. Daybreak is a phenomenon by which Allah changes the dark night unto bright day thus reducing the power of darkness by His command. The reference to the Rabbil Falaqi, "Lord of the Daybreak", is very significant in this early Meccan sura since the pagan Arabs had a strong belief in witchcraft which was usually practiced in the dark hours of the night. Therefore, the Prophet, and through him all believers, are asked to seek shelter in Allah so that nothing evil or cruel can harm them. (135, pp. 130-131)
The sura 114 "An-Nas", "The Mankind", takes its name from a word in the first verse. This sura is the second of al-Muawwadhatayn (two prayers for shelter and protection). Like the sura al-Falaq, here also the Prophet is asked to seek shelter in Allah, the Lord of mankind. "The Lord of mankind" here means the Maker, the Cherisher and the Sustainer of man. By referring to Allah as "the King of mankind", it is meant that He is the Ruler, the Legislator and the Governor of the human race. Allah is the God of mankind, the only being entitled to worship and none should be associated with Him in worship as an agent, son or daughter of God. (135, p. 43)
Mankind, by nature, is very insignificant in the face of the massive forces of nature and weak to resist the temptations of Satan. Therefore human beings need to cling tenaciously to Allah's shelter. Under the shelter of Allah the humans are secure and protected. Allah can give complete shelter because He is beyond the material energy.
Allah is the only shelter of the cosmic manifestation and the supreme shelter for all living entities. Giving up such shelter, the living entities are deluded by the material energy, forgetting God. Therefore, without His shelter, nothing can exist. He is the shelter of the whole universe. The Lord is the only shelter of fearlessness for the surrendered soul. One can not save himself from the cruel hands of death in the material world without having surrendered himself to the Lord. The Lord is impartial to all circumstances of the sufferings of the living entities, but to one who takes shelter at Him, the Lord gives proper protection, and takes such a living entity to His eternal abode. God is the shelter of everything - this is the verdict of all scriptures. Everything is resting in Allah's energy, therefore, He is the supreme shelter. Without His shelter nobody can be happy. He is the ultimate goal of shelter and therefore one should take shelter of God either for protection or for the annihilation of distress. Let everyone take shelter of the supreme omnipotent God. That is the ultimate perfection of life.


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