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Monday, September 14, 2009



"O ye who believe!
spend part of your business results are good
and part of what we remove from the earth for you ".
(QS.Al-Baqarah 267)

We know with that charity as a worship implementation mahdah have a very high social value. How not? Because charity is a practical service that can be directly perceived benefit to society, especially the economically weak. It is expected through the medium of this charity can improve the welfare of orphans in the community.
Therefore there is a mutual process between Muzakki (obligatory alms people) with Mustahik (people who are eligible to receive zakat). In this sense that charity is stated as a right of the poor is also a public right, because people who have accumulated wealth in fact be realized thanks to the contribution and participation of other parties, either directly or indirectly, primarily from among the orphans.
Rasulullah SAW said: "Surely the success and adequacy of which was obtained by the rich is attributable to weak people among you".
For that reason, Ibn Hazm clearly states that the rights of the poor found in the wealth of the rich should be able to accept them in any way, if at some point a physical clash between the poor and the rich because the rich do not remove the rights of people the poor (zakat), then the poor may not be blamed because they were demanding their rights. Even if in an Islamic society there is no longer poor, the charity still must issued by the rich to meet social needs, including to improve Sabilillah fi sector in a broad sense which always exists that requires the availability of funds at any time.
So the optimization function due to continued effort for the development of modern life is growing and developing the productive efforts of the quality of the results even more than the commodity type of property that came out of the bowels of the earth.
In economics, every effort will result in productivity, goods or services, which both have a value and price. The fact is that at the present time is popular known as Zakat Profession. Professional workers who earn good salaries office, teaching staff (teachers, lecturers), designers, doctors, lawyers, consultants, architects, artists, the hospitality service business, traveler, as well as cultivating business results.
All these sources of livelihood and property of the above services have a notion of "Amwal", which according to QS.Al-Baqarah 267, we are required by God, "O ye who believe, spend part of your business results are good and part of what we remove from the earth for you ". Abu Hanifa defines the sound of the verse "Maa thayyibati min kasabtum" above that all objects must dizakati economic value.
Even DR.Abdurrachman Qadir, MA in his book "Zakat in Mahdhah and Social Dimensions" pointed out that some contemporary scholars such as Muhammad Abu Zahrah, Khallaf and Abdul Wahab Abdul Rahman Hasan, has discussed the development prosfek kinds dizakati mandatory property-century modern This has since 1952, ie on an international seminar held in Damascus who has menfatwakan that wealth and income derived from various business professions issued Zakah obligatory zakat maal as other provisions.
Further related to this profession Zakat haul, KH.Ali Yafie in his book, "Answering the ZIS Around" describe completely the concerns of time (haul) payments due, the Prophet Muhammad is set to be paid periodically and there are also paid when the property is exposed to charity It arrived in the hands.
The first, for example zakat and charity trading precious metals are stored. Was the second, incidental, for example in agriculture charity, plantation and property findings (rikaz).
As for charity, still according to profession YAFIE-Ali, the scholars including his friends disagree. There are requiring haul and some are not. For Ibn Abbas, Ibn Mas'ud, Mu'awiya and David, the wealth zakat obligation immediately, without waiting to haul "one-year time limit". As for Ibn Hazm, Abu Hanifa Syafei and vice versa.
Meanwhile, according to Yusuf Qaradawi in his book "Fiqh of Zakah" explained that the delivery obligation is due at the time profession accepted. The reason, one-year terms on the entire property including the property profession is not based on texts that reach the level of hasan valid or that it could take legal provisions applicable syara common to humankind.
Meanwhile, in the Al-Quran and Al-Hadith coming general and firm, there is no requirement within one year. Because by imposing one-year provision for professional charity as well as freeing the many employees and professional workers such as consultants, doctors, architects, lawyers and others from the obligation to pay zakat profession, but their profession is very large.
Thus Yusuf Qaradawi menganalogikan profession with zakat zakat plants and fruits, which were both issued at the time of harvest (received at the hands). This is according to his word, "wa atu-hasbadihi yauma haqqahu and give Zakah when the harvest arrives".
In this context states that KH.Ali Yafie standardization for professional charity and other charity is very important presence of income considering the profession continues to grow. For those who mengqiyaskan profession with zakat zakat tijarah (trade), then haul him disyarakatkan. Was for the mengqiyaskan with agriculture and fruit, as the opinion of Yusuf Qaradawi not disyarakatkan her haul, but released when received Zakah. Only KH messages. Ali Yafie, "We can not just mengkalaim without looking at him from all sides".
In the pocket book "Zakat Practical Guide" published IMZ calculations presented patterns can be calculated profession due each month from gross income (the strongest opinion among Yusuf Qaradawi, Ghazali, etc.) which have reached 2.5% multiplied nishab or accumulated at the end of the year, then plus other income. Example: monthly income Rp. 2.000.000, - Other income Rp. 600.000, - Total all Rp. 2.600.000, - How to calculate Zakah? The answer: Zakat is to be removed = total value x 2.5% = USD. 65.000, - only Rp. 65.000, - / month, and you'll get more of what you spend, because it is the promise of Allah SWT, a substance that has menciptkan heaven and earth and all between them.


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